Monday 10 October 2016

Target Audience


This is the questionnaire that I created by hand in order for different people to fill it out. This will help me determine my target audience, it will also be evident throughout my journey on my blog to show my feedback and process of my work.

Audience feedback:

This is a screenshot of a conversation off WhatsApp that was held with my cousin. The messages that you see is hum responding to the first picture that is of my questionnaire. This gives my an insight of what a male from the of 16-20 like to see in a horror film.

Audience Feedback 2:

This is another screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation in regards to responding to my questionnaire. This time I chose my cousin that is a Female. She was more stereotypical and said that she would expect to see a little girl, simply because she believes without one, the film wouldn't be as interesting.

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