Wednesday 26 October 2016

Final film idea

Film name: Playtime


Four characters that go by the names of Rhia, Myles, Vijender and Helena and Jogesh who is the killer clown. Rhia, Vijender, Myles and Helena are all walking back from a party on one cold, dark October evening. Whilst the friends are walking, Myles begins to joke about seeing weird, scary objects around them (relating to 'the boy who cried wolf'). The four friends carry on walking, ignoring Myles's silly jokes. As they begin to walk through the woods, Myles claims that he see's a red, vibrant balloon that was gliding through the air but the friends don't believe him as he was lying before about 'seeing strange things'. He tries to explain to his friends that he isn't lying this time but they still don't believe him. Therefore, Myles goes to grab the balloon. When Myles come back to his friends, he shows them the balloon and pops it in front of them (this is when the audience will expect something to scare them but it doesn't). The friends think he is being silly but not long after Myles gets lost as he spots another red balloon floating through the air and decideds to pop it again, this time a clown appears behind the balloon, killing Myles rapidly. The friends go back to find Myles when they find him dead on the floor, realising that he wasn't lying when he said he was seeing weird, strange things around. They then find a child's jack in the box and another balloon by it. Rhia goes to wind the jack in the box and sees that it has a mirror, as she looks through the mirror, she sees the reflection of a clown however, when she turns around the clown isn't to be seen but as she turns back around to the jack in the box she sees clowns shoes, looks up and sees a clown. Vijender and Helena see that she is about to be killed but before they try to help it is too late therefore they run to save their lifes. As the are running Helena looks back to think she is safe and stops to catch her breath however, the same clown(jogesh) kills her too. Vijender continued to run and realised the Helena is gone and he is now alone. He comes across the party house that they had come from and runs inside for help. As he walks inside he realises that the party is over and the house was empty. He opens a door inside the house to see the clown (or multiple clowns) standing in front of him with knifes, balloons and jack in the box's with them laughing in his face. The film then comes to an end with Vijender's tragic scream.

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