Tuesday 25 October 2016

Draft 2 - film ideas

The first idea:

Our group first came up with the idea of a paranormal horror genre film. The reason we chose the 'paranormal genre' is because viewers find these types of films scary because they contain a lot of spiritual related ideas. The plot contains our charcters bythe names of Karen(Me), Holly(Helena) Jack(Vijender) and Tom(Jogesh). This film would of been set in a park, the four friends went on a camping trip as part of a school expedition. The time eventually turns to the night and everybody falls asleep. Holly then wakes up and is feeling hot therefore she goes outside of the tent for some fresh air. As she is walking around the park, she hears something rustling in the bushes and realises she is not by herself away from the tent. As she looks through the bushes, she comes across a book that was left open. As she goes to open the book, a evil spirit possesses her. She then returns to the tent acting weird, which alarms Jack, he then tries to warn the others. Karen and Tom are not phased and go back to sleep. As Jack tries to help Holly, she ends up killing him. When Karen and Tom wake up, they realise that the other two have gone missing and decide to split up to find them. Eventually, the both get killed, one by one by Holly who is possessed.

The second idea:

My group then came up with the idea of another paranormal film. We decided that the first idea didn't work because of the tent idea, we felt that it didn't sound very scary and portray a typical horror film convention. The characters names are: Susie(me), Jane(Helena), Sam(Jogesh) and Mike(Vijender). The plot consists of the four friends walking back from after watching a film. Sam and Mike continue to walk on leaving Susie behind, she gets left as she sees a strange, old lady who is banging on the window of a crooked, old house. Susies screams alerting the boys; they both come running back and tell Susie to quickly walk away with them. The old lady then shouts out 'I will haunt you all'. All three friends talked about her as they where walking home and all stated that they saw a large, shiny earing that she was wearing but she was only wearing one. Later on as the friends where walking, they came across the exact same earing and pick it up from the floor. What the friends don't know is that this earing is possessed by the women that said would haunt them. Eventually, each friend is killed on their way home by unforeseen circumstances.

The third and FINAL idea:

This idea was generated by an issue/trend that is currently taking place in America and the UK today. All over America, October 2016, people have been dressing as clowns, going out lurking for vulnerable people and harming them which has also led to a number of murders. This 'trend' was then followed into the UK as people started to copy. This then gave our group the idea of a clown related film. Rhia, Vijender, Helena, Jogesh and Myles will all be our individual character within the film. One evening Rhia, Vijender, Helena and Myles attend their friends party. The decide to leave the party early and go walking around. After a few moments, the group come across a vibrant, red balloon that is gliding through the air. Myles is joking around and harmlessly pops the balloon. Suddenly, a 'killer clown'(Jogesh) jumps out of know where. The clown(Jogesh) kills Myles first as the rest run for their lives. Slowly, the clown hunts down each person and kills them one by one.

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