Monday 10 October 2016


From researching and gathering information, i have come to the conclusion that the usual age group for people watching horror films is aged between 16 and 25. Being aged 17 and apart of that age group, i know that majority of the people watching horror films watch them simply because they love the adrenaline rush, some people just like extreme emotions that they haven't yet experienced and some people simply like watching new, exciting films that they have not seen or before. 

It seems to be that males are more likely to watch horror films than females; this is a stereotypical aspect but also can be true, relating to the number of people I asked during my lunch period at school. Violence tends to be in horror films quite often; stereotypes are that males are more into violence than females. Because horror films contain a lot of violence that includes blood and gore, this will act more upon the males as they will be more interested.

In terms of groups; it tends to be friends that go together to the cinema to watch a horror movie, however couples and siblings tend to go too. Couples go when they are on a date, this is because one likes to receive comfort off the other one if they are not confident with watching horror films.

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