Monday 2 January 2017

What i have learnt

What have I learnt?

The main purpose of a Horror Film is to generate a sense of fear, fright, tension and alarm for the audience to feel. I also learn that camera shots, angles and movements can also build up a suspense to frighten the audience. For example, A bird’s eye view/High angle can be used to make the character look completely powerless and defenceless. Another shot that creates suspense is a tilted angle, these shots add a lot of dramatic affects, the audience can see this as the camera being moved or pushed to the side. As well as this example, a tilted shot could also be a victim that is on the floor looking for help. Another important part of horror films is sound. From watching several different horror films, I realised that if there is no sound, the horror films will not be effective. For example, sharp noises/sounds will shock the audience and make them jump. Another suspense that is created from sound is voices; for example, a young child’s scream can create confusion by alarming the audience.

We choose a ‘clown’ based filmed because around the time we filmed the scenes was the ‘killer clown craze’ that made it much more realistic and scary for the audience to watch. We also researched this and realised it was one of the most popular films to have been watched therefore we brought the correct props and filmed in suitable scenes for this film. 

How will it help me?

Gathering all the information that I researched, will help me and my group to produce and finalise our film. I used the camera angles from other films to apply to our own film; a close of the clown’s face is one of the main scares in the film, this is when the balloon pops and the clowns face appears behind it to kill one of the characters. The research has shown me a wider understanding on how to make certain aspects of a horror film more interesting and terrifying for the audience to watch. Throughout the process of making the horror film, I have changed ideas and opinions on different sound and locations to be a part of the film. From research and discussing with my group, we changed our first idea which was to create a paranormal film to creating a clown horror film as we decided it would be much more effective in terms of the audience that will be watching the film we produce.

How have I learnt this?

By gathering all research and information that I learnt from analysing each horror film and watching different horror films during lesson time, I grew more knowledge on how horror films are shot, directed and produced. From these different aspects I learnt the different horror conventions of different films.

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