Sunday 15 January 2017

First draft evaluation - horror film


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?
From watching previous horror films, I realised that the most common shot in the film are 'shot reverse shots'. They are usually linked to when the protagonist is looking for the antagonist; creating suspense and tension to the film which is the aim of a horror film. Therefore I knew that using shot reverse shots would make the film much more interesting and create suspense for the audience to watch. However, I knew that more than anything scary music over the scenes would make the film most scary and create the most tension.

How did you find the filming process?
Most of the filming process went to plan however there was a couple of times we had to change the dates due to weather conditions. Vijender and Jogesh were able to complete the editing and camera angles whilst Helena sorted out the mise en scene and made sure that all locations where sorted out as well as the costumes and lighting and I was able to get the sound all together.
There was times we couldn't accord to the film schedule because of the weather conditions outside and considering the camera and the conditions we that would be suitable for out film. One of the days it was raining, icy and cold; we had to consider that the camera could break with the rain, it was dangerous for us to film and act on icy floor and also not being able to concentrate outside in the cold.

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
The questionnaire that I put together helped me to gather a rough idea of what the audience would of liked to see. Also making sure to go with what the majority of the audience think because they are the main people that would potentially be watching the film. I found that the age of audience was around 16 to 20 that would most likely want to watch a horror film. We based our horror film on what the audience would rather prefer, for example: choosing the jack in the box for one of the main props because that is what the audience selected the most to be in the film as they found it would be most effective.  

How did you incorporate a range of media technologies within the research and planning stages of your film?
On my blog and throughout my work, I have used more than one use of media. For presentations, summaries, posters, diagrams etc. I used powtoons, prezi, photoshop, youtube and emaze.
This will also bring the attention of more audience members as they wont get bored of the same use of media technologies, they will see a range of different uses and be much more interested. I found it easy as I have used these uses of technology before.

EBI and WWW:

What went well -
  • Mise en scene: 
  • The use of props where used appropriately such as: Clown costume/mask, music and the balloon.
  • Scenery: We filmed outside which was effective as it was dark and gloomy which showed the conventions of 'scary' in a horror film. 
  • The lighting as good as it was clear to make out what happened in each scene. 

Even better if -
  • In some scenes you can't hear the characters speaking, the sound is not clear therefore we will add voice overs to make it clear to the audience what they are talking about. 
  • The fighting scene of Hamad and The Clown - this scene needs to change as it takes away the conventions of a horror film. There are a few scenes that jump and don't follow each other from the previous scenes. 
  • When Myles pops the balloon, we should put a pin in between his hands so that it is not obvious that he is popping it. 
  • Every scene that the clown appears in, we shouldn't reveal too much, instead of the showing the full character, we are going to show different bits of the costume so that we can build suspense for the audience. 
  • Remove the sound of VJ saying 'go' before each scene. 
  • We are also going to change the scene when Hamad is ringing and getting into the taxi as it doesn't really make sense. Instead - he will be breaking into a car that is parked on the side, to find the clown sitting in the back when he is driving and looks above into the mirror.

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