Tuesday 6 September 2016

Insidious Trailer Analysis 2 - horror project

Mise en scene:
The film is mainly set in a big, family home that seems to be located in America, this is from looking at the style and size of the house; also matching the accents of the characters. The house also gives the film a realistic setting. In contrast, the dark, unpredicted scenes, along with the shadows in the background give the film a very unrealistic setting, which may give the audience a hint of what the film is about. The props within the film show very stereotypical items that are placed around the house, such as mirrors and weird looking costumes; this creates a uneasy atmosphere when the audience are watching the film. The tension begins to grow as the title appears on the screen, the past begins to get faster as the title shows pieces missing from the letters; this could suggest that there is missing information from the film.

The usual stereotyped sounds occur during the film, such as, screaming, banging doors and fast, heavy running. The doors slamming could indicate that the spirits are moving around the house, creating attention for the family to get distracted, allowing them to get into the little boy's body. The non-diegetic sound builds tension within the house, this keeps the audience's attention on the screen, wondering what will happen next.

Cutaway's from the characters are shown quite often throughout the film, creating a mysterious affect, getting the audience wondering what is happening behind the scenes. Fast paced running and screams relate to the spirits, which is very eye catching and ear opening for the audience to watch. During the film, there is a match cut scene that matches when the lights suddenly turn off. All of these sounds portray unrealistic, scary movements that the audience are excited to watch.

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