Tuesday 6 September 2016

Insidious Poster Analysis - horror project

The center image is a medium shot of a young boy, who looks disturbed and upset. He is standing in front of a dull looking house, as if he is trying to block the way to enter it. The shadow that runs over the boy, looks as if something abnormal is controlling him, as you can see on his face that shows negative emotions. He is wearing red and black pyjama’s indicating that the house behind him is the one he lives in. The colour red is a powerful colour, it can link with anger, danger, violence and something or someone that is possessive, giving the audience the impression that the film has a deep plot. The colour black is also a powerful colour which shows the connotations of evil, sinister and death; linking back to the film and suggesting that an evil character is out to kill someone.
The title of this film contrasts with the young boy’s pyjamas, making it clear the he is the main character. The different contrasts and images within the poster, generates attention to the audience as a way of pulling them into the film, to find out what happens. The boy’s left eye looks a different shape to his right eye, if the audience looks closely, they will see that the word ‘insidious’ is written in his left eye. This could suggest that something evil and strange is inside of him, linking back to him being outside by himself on which looks like a late night.

The background of this pictures shows a rather big house that is shown from a low angle. The house looks extremely dull, with dark, gloomy clouds shadowing over it, showing that the weather isn’t so nice. The sentence that is underneath the title says ‘it’s not the house that’s haunted’. This automatically makes the audience assume that it’s the little boy on the front of the poster that is haunted. The strap line is important as it draws the audience into the film and gets their mind’s thinking about what could happen during it.

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