Thursday 8 September 2016

Insidious film analysis - horror project

From the moment that Dalton, the young boy enters the attic, things begin to change for the worse. The attic has a very dark, dusty look to it which automatically makes it look haunted and creepy. As Dalton walks around their new family house, he hears a noise appear from the attic, that grabs his attention straight away and goes to 'investigate', just as a typical young boy would. As he enters the attic, he steps onto a step ladder to turn on the light switch, as he goes to pull the cord, he falls off the ladder as the steps breaks. The following scene after that is shown on the picture above; it is a over the shoulder, long-shot of Dalton's parents watching him through a hospital window. Dalton is lying on a hospital bed with a oxygen mask around his face, automatically making the audience believe that something is more than wrong than a bang on his head. Over this shot, there is dialog from Dalton's mum talking to his dad saying, "He's not in a coma, they don't know what to call it!." This makes the audience feel uneasy and begin to get comfy in the chairs as the story goes on.

This scene is shown once the family are back home after the incident with Dalton, he is currently still in what they must call a 'coma'. As Dalton arrives back home, they build a mini hospital in his bedroom so that the doctors are able to come regularly and check up on him. But nothing is the same again... strange things begin to occur around the house. This scene shows a medium shot of Dalton's mum walking into a room to stop a wooden rocking horse that happen to start rocking by itself; at the same time the pace of the film begins to get faster, creating the affect that something is going to happen. The background of this scene is rather dark, creating a lighter effect around the mum's hand around the rocking horse, stopping it from moving. This creates attention to be drawn towards that only in the room. Suddenly, the baby begins to cry in the other room as something smashes on the floor; this shows that as the mum stopped the horse, the so called 'devil' is creating awareness else where to get attention away from Dalton, making the audience wonder why all of this is happening.

Negative Review for Insidious - horror project

Although the film Insidious has very good parts of the film, there are also some negative factors throughout the film. In terms of negative factors, the film can be very predictable at times which doesn't show much unique style and therefore lacks originality. Originality is key in horror films, as the viewers want to watch something they haven't seen before and something that will surprise them. When the house is shown, you can automatically tell that it is haunted in some sort of way but nothing gives it away too serious until the little boy falls and hurts his head, which sadly leads to him in a coma. The films shows that as the boy gets progressively bad with his coma, the haunting around the house become worse and the family suffer even more each day. Following on from this, the film uses typical horror affects such as doors slamming, screaming, items around the house falling and breaking mysteriously, these sort of scenes make the audience believe that it is a typical horror film, that will have the same plot as any other. This is why it is important to have unique, original ideas from the very start of the production.

Positive Review Analysis - horror project

The director for Insidious chapter 1 is James Wan, who also directed a successful horror film called 'Saw'. The producer of this film goes by the name of Oren Peli, who is also the creator of the Paranormal Activity films. Essentially, this film is based on a haunted house and is one of the most terrifying films made. I would not recommend this film for children under 13, hence the film is rated PG 13; the film is based on a young boy that gets separated from his family by a devil, watching this makes you feel anxious and also feel sympathy for the young boy when he gets taken away. Insidious chapter 1, is a very unsettling film that makes you want to crawl up into a ball and hide. During the end of the film, it left the viewers shocked and scarred, thinking that anywhere they look could be the face of a evil demand, that could get trapped inside of their body.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Insidious Trailer Analysis 2 - horror project

Mise en scene:
The film is mainly set in a big, family home that seems to be located in America, this is from looking at the style and size of the house; also matching the accents of the characters. The house also gives the film a realistic setting. In contrast, the dark, unpredicted scenes, along with the shadows in the background give the film a very unrealistic setting, which may give the audience a hint of what the film is about. The props within the film show very stereotypical items that are placed around the house, such as mirrors and weird looking costumes; this creates a uneasy atmosphere when the audience are watching the film. The tension begins to grow as the title appears on the screen, the past begins to get faster as the title shows pieces missing from the letters; this could suggest that there is missing information from the film.

The usual stereotyped sounds occur during the film, such as, screaming, banging doors and fast, heavy running. The doors slamming could indicate that the spirits are moving around the house, creating attention for the family to get distracted, allowing them to get into the little boy's body. The non-diegetic sound builds tension within the house, this keeps the audience's attention on the screen, wondering what will happen next.

Cutaway's from the characters are shown quite often throughout the film, creating a mysterious affect, getting the audience wondering what is happening behind the scenes. Fast paced running and screams relate to the spirits, which is very eye catching and ear opening for the audience to watch. During the film, there is a match cut scene that matches when the lights suddenly turn off. All of these sounds portray unrealistic, scary movements that the audience are excited to watch.

Insidious Trailer Analysis - horror project

 I have decided to look at the Insidious trailer for my horror project. I will be looking at various different clips from the trailer and analysing the camera shots, sizes and angles, the sound, lighting and also the mise en scene.

The trailer begins with a regular message that is shown at the start of every movie, this is to clarify what they are about to watch may disturb them. The message says 'The following preview has been approved for appropriate audiences by the motion picture associated of America, inc.' and then states the rate of the film; which gives the audience the chance to decide whether they want to watch the film or not. The writing is written in white writing against a vibrant green colour, this is so that it is made clear for everyone to understand and read. There is also no sound in the background, this is for the audience and so they have no distractions whilst reading.

The next clip that I have decided to show is crucial to the audience as it states the title of the film. As the title is shown the letters of the name are slowly rearranging in order to form the correct word. As this is happening, there is crackling, non-diegetic sound over the top to create a mysterious affect of the film. When the title is shown, there is a black background with dashes of red that appear here and there. The colour of the title is white, which again stands out over the bold background. The colours white and black together suggest that evil and good have been put together during this film.

The next clip I have chosen, is a extreme long shot of the house that the family are living in. As the camera pan's across the house, the non-diegetic sound matches with the speed of the film, it begins to slow down which adds a mysterious affect. This clip cuts from the medium shot of a man sitting in a single arm chair. The sound that is added in the background creates tension and makes the audience feel uneasy; wondering what will happen next...

Insidious Trailer Analysis - horror project

 I have decided to look at the Insidious trailer for my horror project. I will be looking at various different clips from the trailer and analysing the camera shots, sizes and angles, the sound, lighting and also the mise en scene.

The trailer begins with a regular message that is shown at the start of every movie, this is to clarify what they are about to watch may disturb them. The message says 'The following preview has been approved for appropriate audiences by the motion picture associated of America, inc.' and then states the rate of the film; which gives the audience the chance to decide whether they want to watch the film or not. The writing is written in white writing against a vibrant green colour, this is so that it is made clear for everyone to understand and read. There is also no sound in the background, this is for the audience and so they have no distractions whilst reading.

The next clip that I have decided to show is crucial to the audience as it states the title of the film. As the title is shown the letters of the name are slowly rearranging in order to form the correct word. As this is happening, there is crackling, non-diegetic sound over the top to create a mysterious affect of the film. When the title is shown, there is a black background with dashes of red that appear here and there. The colour of the title is white, which again stands out over the bold background. The colours white and black together suggest that evil and good have been put together during this film.

The next clip I have chosen, is a extreme long shot of the house that the family are living in. As the camera pan's across the house, the non-diegetic sound matches with the speed of the film, it begins to slow down which adds a mysterious affect. This clip cuts from the medium shot of a man sitting in a single arm chair. The sound that is added in the background creates tension and makes the audience feel uneasy; wondering what will happen next...

Insidious Poster Analysis - horror project

The center image is a medium shot of a young boy, who looks disturbed and upset. He is standing in front of a dull looking house, as if he is trying to block the way to enter it. The shadow that runs over the boy, looks as if something abnormal is controlling him, as you can see on his face that shows negative emotions. He is wearing red and black pyjama’s indicating that the house behind him is the one he lives in. The colour red is a powerful colour, it can link with anger, danger, violence and something or someone that is possessive, giving the audience the impression that the film has a deep plot. The colour black is also a powerful colour which shows the connotations of evil, sinister and death; linking back to the film and suggesting that an evil character is out to kill someone.
The title of this film contrasts with the young boy’s pyjamas, making it clear the he is the main character. The different contrasts and images within the poster, generates attention to the audience as a way of pulling them into the film, to find out what happens. The boy’s left eye looks a different shape to his right eye, if the audience looks closely, they will see that the word ‘insidious’ is written in his left eye. This could suggest that something evil and strange is inside of him, linking back to him being outside by himself on which looks like a late night.

The background of this pictures shows a rather big house that is shown from a low angle. The house looks extremely dull, with dark, gloomy clouds shadowing over it, showing that the weather isn’t so nice. The sentence that is underneath the title says ‘it’s not the house that’s haunted’. This automatically makes the audience assume that it’s the little boy on the front of the poster that is haunted. The strap line is important as it draws the audience into the film and gets their mind’s thinking about what could happen during it.