Monday 10 April 2017

Possible images for horror review

This is the first possible image I may chose for my film review. The main reason I chose this image is because it is one of the main props used throughout the film, which has an important meaning behind it. I also used an edited version of this image for my poster. By having the clowns face in the mirror of the music box, will make the audience intrigued as to what it is. This image as a lot of meaning therefore that is why I may chose to put it as a part of the review. It is an interesting image that will make the audience want to find out more.

The second possible image that may be on my horror review is this image. This shows the music box alongside a phone that looks abandoned; in the background shows 3 young teenagers walking towards these items. This may keep the audiences on their feet as they will be intrigued to find out what happens next as they get closer to the items on the floor. From reading the plot the audience will know their are 4 main characters, therefore the blurred image in the background will make them wonder where the fourth character is.
This picture is useful as it is quite frightening and may scare the audience; this is a pro because that is what horror audience members will be looking for. The clown is the main antagonist therefore from reading the review, the viewers will know what the clown is about to do.

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