Thursday 3 November 2016

Location Ideas

This is a bridge that runs over the river, which also leads to a big park. This location is good because it looks slightly abandoned due to the grass not being cut and the trees hanging over that also look like they haven't been trimmed down. The trees hanging over is perfect because that gives us the opportunity to hang/tie the second balloon up.

This alley way is affective as it has a river flowing on either side. We can add the sound of the river flowing whilst the characters are walking; this will give the audience the intensions of one of them falling in. Also this location has trees which we can use to locate the balloon that gets spotted by Myles.

 This location can be used when Helena and Santiago are being chased by the clown. It can also be taken from this angle; we can do an over the shoulder shot from the clown running down the hill, chasing the two characters. This will shows the clowns power over the two of them.

 This can be the street that the four character are walking down, on their way to the party. The reason this could be a potential location is because the lighting on this road is low-key at night, which is exactly the lighting we need for that particular scene.

This house looks crooked and somewhat abandoned. This could potentially be the house that Santiago finds open and runs into towards the end of the film. It looks frightening which makes the viewers think that something could happen to Santiago if he goes inside.

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