Friday 18 November 2016

Horror poster - sound clips

Film Schedule

Monday 14th November 2016 - 17:00pm:
On this day we rehearsed our lines and figured out how were going to be positioned and when were going to say our lines to ensure that the whole script flows. We also tried to run through the script without keep looking at the lines so that we don't stutter when it comes to filming the final draft. 

Scene 1 and 2 - Monday 21st November - 17:00/18:00pm:
On this day we'll be recording scene 1 and 2 together. 

Particular events? 
Scene 1 - Myles sees the balloon and pops it and nothing happens. He sees another balloon pops it and the clown appears behind it and kills it while the rest of the friends are clueless. Scene 2 - The rest of the characters notice Myles is gone so they go and find him and find a jack in the box next to his dead body. Rhia goes to the jack in the box and opens it. While the music plays she looks in the reflection of the mirror and sees the clown behind her and he kills Rhia too. 

Who will be presented?
 Myles, Rhia, Santiago (VJ), Helena and the clown (Jogesh)

The clown costume, mask, machete, fake blood, and jack in the box. 

Scene 3 and 4 - Monday 28th November - 17:00/18:00pm: 
On this day we'll be recording scene 3 and 4 together. 

Particular events? 
Scene 3 - Santiago (VJ) and Helena are the only ones left alive. Vj asks Helena to go and get help so they separate and she crosses paths with the clown and he ends up killing her too. Vj tries to call Helena because shes been gone for a long period of time but instead the clown answers the phone. Scene 4 - Vj then gets the idea to go to the house where the party was meant to be held that they were all going to attend. However, he crosses paths with the clown as he was waiting there for Vj. Then its left with a cliff hanger. 

Who will be presented? 
Helena,Santiago (Vj), the clown (Jogesh).

 The clown costume, mask, machete,and fake blood. 

Friday 4 November 2016


Playtime Script
Scene One:
(Stage Directions – The four characters walk along the road)
Santiago: "Myles there’s going to be bare peng things fam! You going to chirpse?"
Myles: "I don’t need to chirpse fam, the girls come to me."
Rhia: "Anyway guys, where is this party?" (Stage directions - looks at Helena and *rolls eyes*)
Helena: "Well, this is the address." (Stage directions – laughing at Rhia's reaction whilst looking down at her phone)

Scene Two:
(Stage Directions – Fake scream from Myles)
Helena: (Stage directions – screams and drops her phone)
Rhia: (Stage directions – Turns around and gasps)
Santiago: "Shut up Rhia you should know him by now he’s messing around!"

Scene Three:
(Stage Directions - Myles sad after Santiago shouts at him. So, he walks slowly behind the others. A balloon comes from behind and hits him on the head) - Camera tracks the balloon to build tension
Myles: "Guys where did this come from? Guys?!" (Stage Directions – Others ignore him and carry on walking.
Santiago: "Your jokes aren’t funny Myles!!!" (Looking straight ahead)
(Stage directions - He now pops the balloon in anger.)

Scene Four:
(Stage directions- He sees another balloon stuck in the tree. He pulls it down and pops it. A clown appears from behind and kills him. Myles screams)
Santiago: "Yo, did u hear that?"
Helena: "Hear what?"
Rhia: "Wait a minute where’s Myles?"
(Stage directions – The friends run back to find Myles)

Scene Five:
Myles' body is there with blood over it. Also, there is the balloon popped next to him and a jack in the box.
Santiago: "MYLES! NOOOOO! I SHOULD HAVE BELIEVED HIM!" (Stage directions – distraught covers face with hands)
Rhia: (Stage directions – Is mesmerized by the Jack in the box and stares at it)
Helena: "OH NOOO!"  (Stage directions - Looks down at her phone and texts people) 
Rhia: (Stage Directions – Rhia picks up the jack in the box and winds it up. She notices there is a mirror and looks into it)
Rhia: "AAHH!" (Stage Directions – she sees a clown reflection and looks back. However, nothing is there so she looks back. The clown appears and kills her.)
Santiago: "Omg! We need to help Rhia."
Helena: "It's too late, we need to run for our lives!!!"

Scene Six:
Santiago: “Helena lets go separate ways and try to find some help, make sure you ring me if anything happens.”
Helena: “Okay I will. See you later!”

Scene Seven:
(Stage directions – clown standing over Helena’s dead body with her phone in his hand.)
Santiago: *rings Helena* “Hello! Where are you man?”
Clown: (speaking to Santiago from Helena’s phone) “Ha Ha Ha… Santiago you’re next. Watch out!”
Santiago: (Stage directions – Santiago drops his phone out of shock)

Scene Eight:
Santiago: (Stage directions – as he is running, he comes across a house that looks abandoned and surprisingly the door was left open. He goes inside thinking that he will be safe and away from the clown)
Santiago: "Where is everyone?" (Stage directions - he looks around, wondering why the house is empty...)
Santiago: (Stage directions – as he walks into the living room, he hears a strange laugh…he looks around the door and sees the clown sitting behind the piano with a massive grin on his face.)


Thursday 3 November 2016

Location Ideas

This is a bridge that runs over the river, which also leads to a big park. This location is good because it looks slightly abandoned due to the grass not being cut and the trees hanging over that also look like they haven't been trimmed down. The trees hanging over is perfect because that gives us the opportunity to hang/tie the second balloon up.

This alley way is affective as it has a river flowing on either side. We can add the sound of the river flowing whilst the characters are walking; this will give the audience the intensions of one of them falling in. Also this location has trees which we can use to locate the balloon that gets spotted by Myles.

 This location can be used when Helena and Santiago are being chased by the clown. It can also be taken from this angle; we can do an over the shoulder shot from the clown running down the hill, chasing the two characters. This will shows the clowns power over the two of them.

 This can be the street that the four character are walking down, on their way to the party. The reason this could be a potential location is because the lighting on this road is low-key at night, which is exactly the lighting we need for that particular scene.

This house looks crooked and somewhat abandoned. This could potentially be the house that Santiago finds open and runs into towards the end of the film. It looks frightening which makes the viewers think that something could happen to Santiago if he goes inside.

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