Friday 16 December 2016

Short Film Analysis - Doll Face

This short film called 'Doll Face' is a horror/thriller. In the first scene, the camera angle shows a low angle shot of the couple playing chess; in this scene, the camera moves from the chess board to the couple speaking, whilst still positioned in a low shot angle. Then camera angle then zooms onto the couples faces with a close up, showing their expression and concentration towards the game. As the door bell rings, scary, non-diegetic music occurs over the scene. As soon as the man open's the door, the couple automatically assume, this lady is dressed up for Halloween, which then makes the audience believe that it is a Halloween evening. When the camera shows a close up of 'Doll Face', it gives the film more of a horror/thriller vibe, creating the affect that doll face is going to be the main scary character. Doll Face's make-up is rather pale with dark eyes, this portrays her evilness that is assumed by the audience, however, she changes everyone's perspective at the end of the film.